¿How can I get tickets?

SAFE HOUSE works with the Fourvenues platform to facilitate the ticket purchase process for all attendees of the exclusive event. The easiest and fastest way to get tickets is through our public relations links. If you do not have access to any of these links can be obtained from the website www.safehousemad.com in the “GET TICKETS” section or by any link of our RRPPs.

¿How does the digital ticket work?

Tickets (QRs) will be exchanged at the door for the corresponding wristbands for public relations or security of the premises, being the responsibility of the owner to keep it at all times, as the handling, Breaking or losing the bracelet will be penalized with immediate expulsion from the enclosure or denied access to it. The bracelet is personal and non-transferable. The organization does not assume any responsibility in case of loss, theft or purchase of tickets and/or bracelets at unofficial distribution points. Tickets can only be purchased through the our team of RRPPs or the official website of SAFE HOUSE.

Refunds & Returns

SAFE HOUSE tickets are non-refundable unless the Organizers decide in their sole discretion the return. In the case that an event is postponed, its venue is modified, or there is a substantial change to the event, or the event is cancelled for reasons out of our hands, Customers must contact the organizers at the latest, within 5 days after the announcement of such substantial change, (including change of date, change of venue) to request a refund of the entry (With a 5€ charge for management fees).


Safe House does not undertake that the Website will function error-free, uninterruptedly or that it will provide specific results by the use of the Site or any content, search or link made on it. Safe House shall not be liable for damages of any kind arising from the use of this Site, including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, incidental, punitive and derivative damages. We do not guarantee any specific results by using this Site or using the Safe House service.